Welcome to Lucky the PoochipugTM place!

What's a PoochipugTM you ask?
Find out with this heartwarming tale about Lucky the PoochipugTM and the true story about love of a dog, loss, grieving, rescue, illness, healing and happiness! Lucky really is the luckiest dog in the world!

Written by Howard & Pat London
Illustrated by Sophie Anne McGregor

Available NOW on Amazon.com in paperback, hardcover, and Kindle eBook! Stay tuned for the Spanish version coming soon!

Follow Lucky on Instagram, Facebook and check out his YouTube page, too

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Lucky the PoochipugTM is lucky to have a family… and the family is lucky to have him!

When Mimi and Papa adopted Lucky from the shelter, he was a sick and lonely little dog. But, today, he is funny, and clever, and healthy… and he brings Mimi, Papa and their family a world of happiness.

Dog fans everywhere will fall in love with Lucky, the luckiest dog in the world!


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